
What Is the Difference Between National SEO and Local SEO?

4 September 2023

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a series of strategies you can implement to improve the visibility and ranking of your website. These results can lead to increased traffic and more customers. The two primary types of SEO are national SEO and local SEO. Understanding the differences can help you create an effective SEO strategy.

National SEO

National SEO is a strategy that optimizes your online presence to target a national or international audience. If your business can serve clients from any location, a national strategy is needed. Industries such as e-commerce, tech, or software as a service (SAAS) could all benefit from this strategy. Pursuing a national strategy may come with more competition than a local SEO. This is because you are competing with other businesses in your industry from any location in the country and possibly outside of the country. You may need a strong SEO strategy and an appealing website to outrank your competitors. UpFire SEO can create a national SEO strategy to give your website the best chance at outranking your competitors.

Local SEO

Local SEO is for businesses with a local presence or those that serve a specific geographic area. A local SEO strategy is for you if you have a company such as a physical brick-and-mortar shop or a service-based business. While the keywords you target may have less competition than national keywords, you compete directly with other companies in your area that sell the same product or services. Highlighting your business’s strengths and differences can help you beat your competition and convert more leads. 

The Differences Between National and Local SEO

There are a few main differences between national and local SEO, including:

  • Target audience. National SEO targets a broad audience, and local SEO targets a specific audience.
  • Keywords. Local SEO targets specific keywords that appeal to a particular audience and usually include the location that’s being targeted. A national strategy targets a large geographical area and generally doesn’t include location-specific keywords.
  • Content. Content for a national company should appeal to a broad audience. Local SEO should speak directly to potential customers in your area.
  • Google business optimization. If you are using local SEO, make sure to optimize your Google business profile. This profile helps people in your area find your business when searching for products or services that you provide. 
  • Backlinks. National SEO will need a lot of backlinks from high-authority websites in their industry. Local SEO has less competition and does not need as many backlinks as a National SEO campaign.

UpFireSEO Can Help You Get More Business

Whether you are a national or local company, UpFire SEO can help you develop an SEO strategy that brings you real results. We have experience with both strategies and can use elements of both to reach the audience you want to find. Both local and national SEO can be effective strategies – the one you choose will depend on your specific business. We can help create the best strategy for your business and put it into action. 

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