
Link Building: The Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful SEO Strategy

10 May 2023

Getting links from reputable sites can increase your website’s credibility and improve your search engine rankings. Search engines can base your site’s relevance and authority on these links. At UpFire SEO, a leading national SEO agency, we can improve your SEO efforts through effective link-building. Here are some do’s and don’ts for a successful SEO strategy:

Do Create High-quality Content 

Content quality is one of the top factors sites consider when deciding whether to link to each other. Well-written, informative and engaging content is likely to attract other sites organically. Offer value to readers by giving a unique perspective on your products and their use or by answering their questions and addressing real-life problems. The more inbound links you get, the more likely search engines will see your site as trustworthy and authoritative. 

Infographics can also attract linkers to your pages. These are visual representations of information. They’re easy to read, so they can attract website owners looking for easy-to-understand content. We’ll optimize your infographics to prevent them from affecting your website’s load times. 

Do Build Relationships 

People are more likely to share your content and link to your site when you build strong relationships with them. Engage with other influencers and website owners in your industry through social media or emails.

Consider guest blogging. Guest blogging involves creating content for other sites and including a link to your site. You can put the link to your site within the content or in the author bio. Partner with websites with high domain authority and a highly engaged audience for quality results. The websites should also be relevant to your industry to attract your target customers. 

At UpFire SEO, we’ll reach out to websites that meet your site’s criteria and negotiate a collaborative relationship on your behalf. We can deliver guest blogs for qualified sites in exchange for backlinks

Do Optimize Your Site 

Fine-tuning your site’s content, structure, and functionality may help increase your chances of attracting high-quality links from reputable sources. Most sites will be willing to link back to you if you can offer their visitors the best possible experiences. Improve user experiences by reducing page load times, making your site mobile friendly, and dealing with issues like broken or toxic links. 

Use industry-relevant keywords for your content to make it easier for organic linkers to find you. Our team keeps up with the latest on-page SEO tactics. We’ll audit your site to identify pain points that may be dragging it down and resolve them to give you more visibility from potential linkers. 

Don’t Buy Links 

Link buying is a black-hat SEO technique. Black hat SEO techniques are penalized by search engines. Paying for backlinks can ruin your website’s reputation. UpFire SEO will help you acquire natural backlinks through white-hat techniques to eliminate the need for buying. 

Don’t Use Low-quality Directories 

Low-quality directories can hurt your website’s reputation and authority. These directories may contain spammy links and irrelevant content that could result in penalties from search engines. You can differentiate low-quality directories from high-quality ones by:

  • Assessing their reputation: It’s better to submit your links to household names instead of unknown ones, as the latter may not give you positive visibility.
  • Checking the kinds of businesses they list: Directories that list trustworthy and reliable enterprises may be better suited than those that list all kinds of businesses. 

Our team can comb through your site to identify and remove low-quality links before they affect your rankings. 

Don’t Use Irrelevant Links 

Irrelevant links dilute your site’s quality and can lead to a poor user experience for your visitors. They may also indicate that your website uses manipulative tactics to get links. This can result in penalties like low rankings on search results. Only build links from websites that are relevant to your niche or industry.

At UpFire SEO,  we assign a dedicated SEO manager to each client to help avoid such problems. Your SEO manager will study your business and make sure our strategies align with your niche and business objectives. 

Don’t Use Over-optimized Anchor Texts 

Anchor texts are the words or phrases used to link to your website. Search engines may consider them over-optimized if they’re stuffed with too many keywords or don’t appear naturally in the content. This may be seen as a manipulation technique and jeopardize your SEO rankings. The reliable team at UpFire SEO can make sure your anchor text only includes relevant keywords to avoid getting flagged. 

Use a National SEO Agency for Link-Building 

UpFire SEO is a high-quality national SEO agency dedicated to helping clients increase their online visibility. We have a dedicated team of SEO professionals whose core focus is to get results for our clients. Our link-building strategies are tried and tested to deliver the best possible results. Contact us for a link-building consultation today.

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