
Keywords and Link Building: How a National SEO Company Can Help You Reach Your Audience

28 August 2023

A national SEO (search engine optimization) company can use keywords and link building to help your business reach its target audience. At UpFire SEO, we can integrate these tactics into your SEO strategy to work toward your ranking and revenue goals. Here’s how our national SEO company can help you reach your target audience using keywords and link building: 


Keywords are words or phrases people use to search for information, products, or services online. They can be viewed as a bridge between your target audience and the content on your website. Identifying the right keywords for your business helps attract more users to your site. Here’s how our team at UpFire SEO can optimize your keyword strategy:

Keyword Research

We have the tools to identify your industry’s most relevant keywords. While we conduct keyword research, we take into account your competition and search volume. We make sure to find keywords that target your audience, focusing on what matters most to your potential customers.

On-page Optimization

Once we find the correct keywords, we help optimize your website’s content. On-page optimization involves incorporating keywords into your website’s meta tags, headings, and body content. This can help increase your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Content Creation

We can help create high-quality and engaging content that helps satisfy search engine algorithms. This is accomplished by optimizing the content according to our conducted keyword research. Quality content also provides value to your target audience, working to keep potential customers on your pages for longer.

Regular Updates

Our national SEO company can continually monitor your keyword rankings. We can benchmark and evaluate each keyword to help evaluate ranking progression. By doing so, our team can make necessary adjustments and keep your content up to date to make sure that you maintain a strong online presence and reach your target audience.

Link Building

Link building involves obtaining backlinks that lead from reputable websites to your own. These backlinks serve as votes of confidence for your content and can impact how search engines view your website’s authority. Here’s how we can help you with link building:


We look for and establish relationships with publishers for your content.  The publisher must meet quality guidlines set forth by our company.  We look at various Authority metric scores and traffic to website to determine the quality of the site.  We provide valuable content for them in exchange they give us a contexual link back to our clients website.

Competitor Analysis

We can analyze your competitor’s backlink profiles to identify new opportunities for your benefit. These opportunities can lead us to acquire similar or better-quality links, allowing your web pages to rank higher on search engines. This can give your business a potential advantage within the industry.

Link Quality Assurance

The links that lead to your website should be high quality and relevant to your content.  We perform regular audits to identify and reduce low-quality or spammy links that could harm your SEO strategy and website traffic.

Boost Your Strategy With a National SEO Company

At UpFire SEO, we use keyword research and link-building to help reach your target audience across the nation. National SEO can help your business reach a broader audience, providing you with increased leads and potential customers. Contact us today to learn more about our keyword research and link-building processes and how they can benefit your business.

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