
How SEO Can Help a Franchise or Multi-Location Business

2 November 2022

At UpFire SEO, we’re proud to provide national SEO services that can grow your search rankings and lead to more sales. We put your business needs first and research which solutions work best for you. Our national SEO agency team uses data-driven measures that change as the search engine rules and trends change. Whether you seek to create content or want better off-page SEO tactics, our Consumer-First measures can enhance your online presence.

At UpFire SEO, we’re proud to provide national SEO services that can grow your search rankings and lead to more sales. We put your business needs first and research which solutions work best for you. Our national SEO agency team uses data-driven measures that change as the search engine rules and trends change. Whether you seek to create content or want better off-page SEO tactics, our Consumer-First measures can enhance your online presence.

You’re likely thinking about how these online marketing tactics can help a franchise or multi-location brand grow. Here are four ways how SEO can play a role in making that happen for you:

1.) Higher Rankings for Local Searches

Terms for local searches like “coffee shops near me” are becoming the new norm. 46% of Google searches overall come from people who need local information. Local SEO tactics can help bring in searchers that reside in each place where you do business.

Creating a Google Business Profile (GBP) will help you start well in attracting your ideal consumers. As you write your business details in your GBP, check that you have the correct name, address, and phone number. When entering your NAP, consider other local listings and check that the contact details are consistent with your GBP.

For businesses with fewer than 10 locations, you can add the NAP and other details in your GBP. If you have 10+, you can verify them in bulk through Google.

A GBP with the most up-to-date information and business categories will help bring in the right site visitors.

2.) Ability To Provide the Best Resonating Content

Andrew Davis once stated that people-focused content lays the foundation for healthy relationships and builds trust. For franchise brands with more than one location, content like this will help you stand out.

The best way for your brand to grow that online presence is with localized content. These content types describe in-stock goods and services in a specific place.

Below are some types of content our national SEO agency recommends you write to help you achieve the best results:

Blog Posts

Blog posts are a great way to provide your site visitors with information about your goods/services. When creating a blog post, talk about topics relevant to the business offerings in that area. A targeted content writing strategy will help you gain web traffic from the right people.

Goods & Services Pages

For goods/services that are only on hand in a particular location, create a page that describes them. As you put together the page, optimize it based on that area. It helps to pin your business location in Google maps and provide your site visitors with directions. Goods or services pages that target people in that location will help attract them to your business.


Businesses with pictures receive 35% more clicks to their site and 42% more driving direction requests.

For best results, include at least three pictures from each of these business location’s aspects:

  • Goods
  • Services
  • Workers

These photos will help enhance your web presence and get people to look into your brand further. Content that addresses the pain points of consumers and makes your brand more relatable can lead to more interest and sales. 

3.) Unique Edge Over Your Competition

Your competitors will more than likely be putting out their SEO efforts as well. About 95% of organic traffic goes to businesses ranking tenth or higher in search engine result pages. For your brand to attract online consumers, you’ll need to invest in SEO.

The best way to gain an edge over your competitors in search results is to study your competition. Research their strengths and weaknesses and prove your value by helping consumers address those issues.

At UpFire SEO, our national SEO agency has a proud track record of helping brands like yours grow online. As you outflank your competition, you’ll stand to gain a large batch of market share.

4.) Reputation Management To Boost Your Site Authority

Review signals are a ranking factor search engines view when they evaluate franchise brands like yours. Online reviews can impact a consumer’s decision on whether or not they should do business with a brand.

If you receive a bad review, it doesn’t mean the “end of the road” for your brand. When this happens, work to address the consumer concerns and work towards mutually beneficial solutions. A people-first approach will help consumers see your brand in a positive light. You may even be able to earn a positive review for them after all.

As you manage your brand reputation, ask your customers for an online review. When they leave a positive review, reply with a “thank you” comment. This will help build trust and make customers feel valued. Consumer-focused approaches will help build your brand’s authority and grow your SEO rankings in each location.

Choose a National SEO Agency That Will Help Your Franchise Brand Grow

At UpFire SEO, our national SEO agency strives to help your franchise or multi-location brand grow with customer-first SEO plans. We know SEO campaigns require time, effort, and communication to help you achieve the best results. Contact us today and let us help your business grow. Our team is ready to help you create marketing plans that attract your local audience and increase sales.

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