
4 of Our Most Effective SEO Strategies

5 October 2022

For a business to be as successful as possible, it needs to be part of an online community. At UpFire SEO, we can help build success within your business by using our most effective online SEO strategies. Our strategies can get your business in national SEO and beyond. Here are our four most effective SEO strategies: 

1. SEO Audit

This on-page SEO strategy allows us to look at your website in-depth so we can create an SEO plan that will work best for you. Our audits are a thorough check of everything on your website. We spend several hours looking in, out, and through your website. We look at things like page speed, competitors, design plans, technical issues, and content.  

First, we will find out which issues are causing your website to not be as successful. To get to the top of any search engine, your website needs to be trusted by those search engines. They also need to be able to read and index your content. When there is something blocking these search engines from doing these things, your website rank will be lower.

After we find where your website ranks in search engines, we will find out what issues are holding you back from being at the top. We look at factors like backlinks, competitors, and content.

Second, we create a plan to get your website at the top of every search engine. That plan could include creating more quality content with specific and well-researched keywords relating to your product or service. It might also include link building and site migration, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Third, we implement our strategy. Once we have created a task list, we then work through it. We check to make sure that search engines are responding well to the adjustments we have made. 

2. Keyword Research

Our keyword research is loaded with intent rather than volume. We want to bring users to your website that have the intent to work with you. Our proprietary keyword research process will create more revenue for your business.

At UpFire, we benchmark every keyword we work on. Because of this, our clients know all of the details of each keyword and how they are ranking. Our keyword research gives your business strong, established authority in your niche. It creates more visibility and brand recognition, and it attracts more leads which can result in increased revenue.

3. Link Building

One of the most influential search engine ranking factors is link building. Search engines see backlinks as a stamp of approval. To be a trustworthy website, you need to link to others that are similar to you. This is one of the reasons why search engines rely on websites’ link portfolios. We make sure that your website is getting the correct type of backlinks. These backlinks can help the success of your website. 

First, we create a custom outreach. We reach out on your business’s behalf to acquire high-quality links. We go through several different phases to make sure that your business goals, content, and existing backlinks are in line with the plan.

Second, we find you the best backlinks or editorial links. These links are organically earned or acquired as they carry more importance to search engines. We find these links by using quality content and more.  

Third, the UpFire team can create any backlink needed for any reason. We can create links like web 2.0, local citations, and social profiles. 

4. Site Migrations

At UpFire, we can help carry out a successful site migration. When a site migration is implemented incorrectly, your business can see a loss of traffic and revenue. Damage to your national SEO can become severe and may even end your business. We can help you reduce or even eliminate the issues that may come from site migration. 

UpFire can help you migrate your website while making improvements. We can improve things like content, structure, design, and broken links. Our migration plan has three different steps, which include:

  1. Gauging the current state of your website regarding SEO
  2. Checking inventory to see the organic performance of your content pages
  3. Prioritizing certain data to make decisions in relation to site migration

National SEO With UpFire

At UpFire SEO, we use modern strategies and ethical national SEO to help your business see more success. We know how to connect your brand with your target audience. No matter what niche you are in, we will meet objectives, keep you informed, and use effective and ethical systems. 

With us, your SEO campaign will be led by an SEO manager who will give you complete transparency throughout the process. You will get detailed reporting to show you the improvements we have made and how well you are doing. At UpFire SEO, we choose to be ethical and effective to make sure your business comes out on top. 

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